Policy Diffusion

Mechanisms of defense policy diffusion in South America: evidence from the South American Defense Council

The South American Defense Council (SADC) aimed to coordinate regional defense policies and build confidence among its members. It diffused practices among its members, such as a standard methodology to report defense expenditures. However, we still …

Assessing multilateral defense policy diffusion in South America: the South American Defense Council unpacked

In this chapter, I intend to answer how the South American Defense Council acted towards engaging in policy diffusion processes by applying a policy diffusion framework. I claim that the Council tried to act as a facilitator of these processes most …

Organizações Internacionais e Políticas Públicas Nacionais: variáveis organizacionais e instrumentos de difusão

Este trabalho se propõe a avançar, de uma maneira hipotética e dedutiva, no debate acerca do papel das OIs na difusão de políticas públicas. Através de uma análise das literaturas sobre organizações internacionais, análise de políticas públicas e …

South American Defense Council's actions (2009-2016) - a database

How did the South American Defense Council (SADC) act? Although SADC ceased its actions in the past years, it is still essential to learn lessons from its performance in order to improve our understanding of the regional security dynamics and, eventually, to be applied in future initiatives.

[FINISHED] A difusão de políticas sociais como política externa na América Latina da década de 2000: um estudo comparativo

Social policy diffusion in Latin America